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Essay/Term paper: Drink up

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Critical Essays

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Drink Up

Drunk driving should be legalized in the United States to help improve our
standard of living. The legalization of driving while intoxicated would severely reduce the
numbers of crimes that are committed on the roads. The number of illegal actions
occurring on the roads would be reduced by the number of people that used to break the
law by driving while drunk. Allowing people to drive drunk would also reduce the
number of accidents occurring on the road systems. For example, only twenty percent of
all auto accidents involve a person who has been drinking, where as almost all accidents
involve someone who has not been drinking. Removing the restrictions against drinking
would remove most of the eighty percent of the accidents that do not involve alcohol.
Also, the accidents that would still be occurring would not have as many injuries. Out of
the accidents that involve alcohol the person who has been drinking is usually the one who
survives the accident, often with out a scratch. Allowing people who have been drinking
to drive would also improve the quality of life for those who choose not to drink.
Currently people who have been drinking are legally required to use some form of
transportation other than them operating a motor vehicle. This requires them to hang
around where they are and get a ride with someone else or wait or some public
transportation. With the legalization of driving while drunk the non-drinking population
would not need to be bothered by drunk people that do not have rides. Finally, this would
help stimulate the economy which may be in dire trouble. For example, with the removal
of restrictions on alcohol, many more alcoholic beverages would be sold because a new
group of possible customers would be open to this industry. Also, if drunks could drive
themselves home there would be less need of people going to a party to take only one car,
more cars being driven would cause more gasoline to be sold, improving the economy
through sales of gasoline. Allowing people, who have been drinking, to drive would
greatly improve the living style of people in this country.

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